I don't want pity, because most people go through this.
It was about a year or more ago that my Uncle Roy left us.
The day my world fell apart and tears were shed. On May 14th he died and on May 15th that's when mom told us. I couldn't finish breakfast, and didn't touch lunch. I have never seen my mom cry that way and I didn't know losing some one was so painful. Uncle Roy was some one I wanted to keep around, he was like some one special to me, there for me to lean on if I needed it, but he wasn't around that much due to fishing and living on the other side of town. He visited when he could. He taught Pepe, Jimmy and I how to fish, somewhere out there on the Clearwater River. He taught Pepe and I how to drive the three wheeler. I still carry those memories around, I just don't think about him that much. I remember him though, and mom remembers his birthday, December 24th. I miss my uncle, and will cherish the short time I had with him. Rest in peace, Uncle Roy.
I am sorry you lost your Uncle Roy. I hope that time will help the healing.