Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A little more about me

First off the top of my mind: I don't like to be treated like I'm different just because I wear hearing aids.
Any who calls me normal will b corrected: I am never "normal". I am "Me".
Ok, that's all, really.
My horse buddies are Ginger, Ellie, Maggie, Storm, Spitfire, Apache Joe, Shasta, and Allie. These horses are all owned by Courtney, and um, she "trains" us. This coming summer, she might teach us to jump, and Ginger is getting a tad bit old to be ridden, very much like Spitfire. They are both 20 plus years old, and are elders to the other horses. My other horse buddies are Prince, Dream Catcher, and Wind Dancer, owned by Gaylene, and Yankee owned by Jayda. I am working Yankee, kind of training her for next summer. She has been stubborn lately. Throwing her head down and defying me. I've got to spend some time with her. My riding friends are Hailey, Ashley, and Courtney. Hailey rides Storm, Ashley rides Ellie, and sometimes bare back rides Apacha Joe for reasons I don't know. Courtney, when she joins us, she rides either Storm or Maggie, depending on which horse Hailey is riding. We have done multiple things together: laughing, riding, talking, horse events...all of that are precious memories. We once had visitors, Hayley and Charley. I really thought Hayley and Charley were beautiful, and they rode nicely. Charley rode Apache Joe, and Hayley rode Maggie, until Courtney traded off with her, and she rode Storm instead. I miss them now, they were fun to hang out with. Now, looking onward to Summer 2011.


  1. Aw. You are sweet Ruth.
    You are beautiful too.

  2. Awe thanks. =) Planning a trip to Alaska soon? --Curious.
