Friday, February 25, 2011

This Is Me

First off, I am going to introduce myself. I am Ruth Lorena (I refuse to put up my last name) and I live in Alaska. Can you comprehend that? Most people don't. No worries, I'm not mad, I just like explaining things in a serious sort of way. I am naturally friendly. I am Eskimo (Inupiaq), mixed in with British and Irish. If there is one thing I do not like about myself, it's my being hearing impaired. People are always trying to see my hearing aides, acting as if I'm some kind of a specimen. I'm not, I'm human like the lot of them.
I ride horses for joy. I like to barrel race, pole bending, and snowshoe race. It's the best thing to do all summer. I don't get on the computer that much during summer (who wants to waste good time in the sun or the rain?), and if I do, it's only at night time. I like to stay up late and curl up with a good book. I like to read the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer, but I quit reading them due to the fact that I have read the whole series multiple times over, and the books are now very predictable. I prefer to read new books that seem interesting, and promise hours of being curled up with my nose stuck in a book.
You might think I'm kind of crazy, with all this information being thrown at you like a frisbee. No, I'm just an all around friendly person who likes to share with people about my life in a "deaf community". We're not as easy to discriminate. We seem "normal enough", but truthfully, we're kind of different. We know what it's like to lose one of the five senses. It's kind of hard to explain. Maybe I will explain later. Thanks for taking the time to read this! ♥


  1. Hey again Ruth! Nice to know you have your own blog! Also interesting to know, I met an Eskimo! Yes, I said it. You know the #2 question I get after having lived in Alaska is "Did you meet an Eskimo?" You know everyone thinks Eskimo is the only type of Native Alaskan. I always say, I don't know and that I met several Native Alaskans but I never asked! That would be rude. I think.

    Anyway, I look forward to tuning in!

  2. Hi!
    I will post more when I have something to share =)
    I don't consider asking about my native background rude at all, I find it fun answering questions. I will post more soon =)
