You have to make sure-first off- that you have brushed the horse off really well, nothing like twigs and thorns and clumps of dust in the equine's pelt that makes it irritable to no return. Just make sure the horse's back ids clean and the fur goes in the correct direction. Then you can put the saddle pad/blanket on. After that, heft the saddle up and put it on gently. No tossing or throwing anything as the horse will get spooked. Make sure the girth is right behind the forelegs and that it is the right size and is comfortable for the horse, after all, this ride isn't only about you! Leave the girth loose and put the bridle on. The bit should go into the mouth, or if you use a hackmore instead, that goes under the chin. Then tighten the girth a little. Walk the horse around in for a minute, then tighten the girth again. Be sure to slip your hand under the girth, this means you should be able to slip your hand between the girth and the horse's belly. This gives the horse room to move and breathe comfortably. Then you can flip the reins over the horse's head and loop them around the saddle horn. By then, you can climb up into the saddle and begin your ride.
Not all people find riding horses fun, but I find it exciting with a passion. The horse I rode during Summer 2010 were Courtney's horses...I rode Ellie, a Morgan mix mare, for the first half of Summer, and then switched to Ginger, an elderly Quarter horse mixed mare. They were precious, well, Ginger was. Ellie was a little stubborn when I was riding her. The most stubborn horse I have ever rode was Yankee, a purebred Quarter horse mare. She was so stubborn you couldn't get her to turn without her throwing her head down. I'm going to work her in Summer 2011, which will be loads of fun and tons of work, but I am sure she is worth the time.
Horses are one major thing in my life and I have loads to learn from/about them. I do not consider myself an expert, just a novice. I have barrel raced in the Deltana Fair 2010, which was fun and a good experience. Well, I'm going to wrap it up (my fingers are sore) and no worries, I will post more one day. =)